วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Anyone a Computer Engineer?

Anyone a computer engineer? If so what company do you work for? Do you like it? Are the salaries good?

I'm majoring in Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech but I don't have any internship experience and I'm only a sophmore, any advice? Do you use a lot of your course work on your job? Any general advice? What is a day of work like? So many

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Why no incentive for us?

Dear Mr. Howard,

I work hard and pay my taxes, so does my wife. We have no children (not by choice) so no child support benifit to us.

We don't have a mortgage so no tax break there.

We pay for private health care $ 320 per month and all we get back there is 30% rebate paid after July 1 and we also pay for medicare with is 1% of our salaries, - we don't go to a bulk billing practice so we are $ 35 out of pocket for each doctors visit.

I do have to buy over $ 200 worth of medicine per month to keep alive, so I have to spend over $ 1000 to start getting cheaper PBS medicines, so I'm still paying for medicines,
so I don't become a burden on society.

We are what most people are Middle class, not rich but OK -

What incentive is there for us to vote for your party

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วันพุธที่ 30 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Australian Federal Police and State Police please read my question and help....?

i am either wanting to be a Victorian (STATE) police officer..

or a AFP Federal Agent...

What one has better pay.

Does AFP have better trainning..

Is it a good job..

How do you become a

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Is success genetic, or learned?

I often find myself wondering why some people can be so talented, or create success so easily, while others always have to struggle for their aspirations. Specifically, I refer to academics, though I suspect this argument can be applied to a variety of situations. For example, I did not go to university after high school, and nowadays earn a modest salary in a middle management position in the retail sector. However, a girl that I graduated high school with is now a resident in an emergency ward, for a large, metropolitan hospital. We were friends in school, and whenever I see her now (as sporadic as that may be), I can't help but think how similar we are. We share the same opinions, sense of humour, and personal interests. So what was it that made this girl, or anyone for that

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วันจันทร์ที่ 28 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

I want to start a Non Profit Social Group in Australia. Are there any rules or guidelines to follow?

I just want to make sure we can't get in any sort of legal trouble. Any money made with membership fees or from events will be put back into the group.
Any assistance and hints would be greatly appreciated.
I already have the concept for the group / club. I just want guidance as to the legal side of things when starting a Social

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Looking at changing jobs but don't know?

I currently work in sales am very happy with my job but i'm starting to get an itch to try something else. I have a husband and a daughter my husband works and also loves his job. What I really want to do though is change to law. I want to be a lawyers assistant. A change of pace. The thing that is stopping me is that I have no legal qualifications I am willing to study at my own expense though if given a chance but I'm also twenty seven nearly twenty eight. I think age may have a big part in it too HELP

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

is this legal and fair? I haven't heard of it before?

I've had a loan with my bank for 10 years and HURRAY am about to pay it off, I just threw all my money at it and am paying it off three years earlier than expected but they want to charge me a discharge fee and an admin fee...is this legal?? I am in NSW

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which of the following profession offers good salary?

Hello good people out there.I want to know which of the follwing offers good salary and good chances of getting a job easily after graduation.

MSc. Renewable Energy Management
MSc. Management and Technology of Water and Waste Water Treatment.(Process

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วันเสาร์ที่ 26 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Why do people dislike lawyers?

Recently I've been thinking about becoming an attorney-the world of law fascinates me very much-but upon telling my family, I received a generally distasteful response. Apparently lawyers have a very bad reputation-but I don't understand why.

To me, both defense attorneys and prosecutors seem like heroes. After all, it's up to them to make sure that justice is served and that everyone gets a fair trial. I don't see anything bad about that...

Sorry if I sound rude. I just don't understand why it's such a hated

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Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

I have 4 wisdom teeth that are impacted under my jaw. My oral surgeon will not pull all 4 of them at once. I am going in Tuesday to have the top 2 removed. I have never been put under and am highly scared and nervous. I am afraid that I will not wake up from it. I do not fully understand the difference between twilight and general and which one to choose. Can someone maybe give me some

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วันศุกร์ที่ 25 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Salary in Private hospitals vs Public hospitals?

do doctors earn more when working in private hospitals than in public hospitals? if so how much more?
i live in australia so specific details about australia would be

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