วันพุธที่ 11 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Why don't Engineers get paid as much as that Doctors or Lawyers?

Is it just me or is the engineering profession considered a joke to all other professions. Don't get me wrong engineers get paid well compared to most other jobs, but it seems like business workers or financial workers get paid more than engineers. Yet I feel like their jobs are far more important and effect more people on a day to day basis. There isn't a single item you can touch that hasn't been designed or optimized without an engineer. Engineers make our cars safe, make our planes fly, make computers work, our roads safe, our buildings strong, etc.

Yes, doctors save lives, treat the ill and needy, but on the whole, their impact on society's future, is small in the sense that they do not make it better than today; they just keep it going. The same applies to lawyers, but again

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