วันพุธที่ 11 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Only those with somthing to hide will mind - right ?

All credit card expenses for federal to local politicans will now be published in the news papers

If there is nothing to hide then the politicans won't mind if we the people have a look

From now on all cops will have their internal dicipline record published -

If there is nothing to hide they won't mind

1 billion tax generated from X etc

All salaries of public employee's will be posted at entrances of public buildings - No names just job titles

Desk clerk 28,500
Accountant - 45,000 - 60,000


Since we the people pay for all those things the knowlede belongs to the public

And again if there is nothing to hide --- then

Attorney Ask It

Why don't Engineers get paid as much as that Doctors or Lawyers?

Is it just me or is the engineering profession considered a joke to all other professions. Don't get me wrong engineers get paid well compared to most other jobs, but it seems like business workers or financial workers get paid more than engineers. Yet I feel like their jobs are far more important and effect more people on a day to day basis. There isn't a single item you can touch that hasn't been designed or optimized without an engineer. Engineers make our cars safe, make our planes fly, make computers work, our roads safe, our buildings strong, etc.

Yes, doctors save lives, treat the ill and needy, but on the whole, their impact on society's future, is small in the sense that they do not make it better than today; they just keep it going. The same applies to lawyers, but again

Attorney Ask It

วันอังคารที่ 10 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Questions about law school?

How many yrs does it take to finish law sch after finishing a B.A? What do you do in Law Sch? Do you make a lot of presentations, have debates and mock trials? I ask because I'm kinda shy and know I wouldn't like to do these, but if there're only a few, then I can cope, Do you get loans from the gov't to help pay for it, like how you get loans for undergrad studies? How many yrs is it for law sch? Is it hard to get a job after law sch? Do all lawyers go to court to fight for the defendant/plaintiff? Pls don't laugh, but I don't think I'll want to go to court and talk in front of people, but rather work behind the scences. Besides going to court and representing the client, what else can I do as a lawyer and still make good money? On average, how much do you pay each yr (tuition) for

Attorney Ask It

Height and weight discrimination?

My husband was hiring by a mining company(open pit) he was informed the other day not to come in for his next shift as he is simply too big to do any of the jobs. He is 6'6" and 350lbs. The job he was doing that day was outside directing trucks where to dump. You cannot tell me he is bigger than the great outdoors! They did not terminate him just said they will not be calling him. He was suppose to full time after his 3 months probation which would have been in 3 weeks. He was told his work was great and his co-workers enjoyed working with him he is just too big. Were they blind when they hired him and it took them this long to see?? He is also Metis...hum makes you think? Does he have a valid law suit and any lawyers out there want to try this

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วันจันทร์ที่ 9 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Mortgage Question: is it Legit to Offer a Mortgage Broker More Money than he normally Charges!?

I am a real estate investor and a landlord. I applied to refinance one of my properties.
The mortgage broker told me and had me sign a document saying his fee is 1% of the loan he is arranging.
My question is:
I worked with him before and he is a great guy! my application is not easy to approve and I really want to compensate him for the effort if successful. Is it legit to offer him 2% of the loan instead of the 1% he mentioned? I obviously don’t want it to look like blackmail or something but… I really want to pay him more for the service! is it legit/legal to pay him

Attorney Ask It

Does anyone know anything about a "Creative Craft" company which hire home based contractors to make beads?

I was wondering if anyone heard or had an experience with this company "Creative Craft". This is their web-site http://www.thecreativecraft.com/unitedstatesofamerica.html. They hire home based contractors to make beaded key chains and towel rings from home, you buy beads from them and make a product.
Their main offices in Usa

And in Canada in OSHAWA, ONTARIO

Unfortunately this was my big mistake and I got caught on this fraud!!! I am a home stay mom and I was searching in the Internet a job which will bring extra cash working from home (I was ready to do anything for extra cash even to put together newspapers and flayers). I found this company add on Facebook and

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 8 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Is anyone here familiar with Nova Scotia Maintenance Enforcement & what happens if the payer is on parole?

My ex was incarcerated for appx. 6 mos. & is now on parole & working.
I haven't received any child support for almost a year, even though he has a garnishee in place for any money the federal government owes him.
If he's working and on parole I would assume that the job has to be legit (not a cash job)...so why wouldn't any support be coming through for my daughter?
I'm in the process of writing to Maintenance Enforcement...but I know very little about his situation other than what I've learned from someone in his family.

So...the main question is "Does the maintenance enforcement program have the right to check the criminal court records to locate this man & find out exactly where he's working?"


Attorney Ask It

How do I deal with my BF's lazy 18 year old son?

I need help. My BF’s 18 year old son has been living with us for the last 6 months and is starting to cause major problems.
He is lazy!!! He won’t get a job and he won’t help around the house, no matter what I do. All he does is sleep and play video games. Round the clock. Now my BF is doing the same thing. And I am fed up. This is now 6 months of sitting on his lazy ass!
I am the only one working right now and I have to constantly clean up after 2 grown men. I am tired and frustrated. I have tried talking to them about it. And they both act like I am a bitch.
I have tried asking him nicely and he says he will take care of whatever tomorrow, and never does. I tried to offer him money to do some jobs that I wanted done. He just refused to do them. When I finally have had enough

Attorney Ask It

วันเสาร์ที่ 7 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

can i be sued for comments made about someone on a forum?

An individual took money to restore our truck and we took our truck back 2 years later because it was sitting in an unlocked compound with no motor in it (motor was left in bed of truck to rust). We found him on a car forum and wrote, basically an open letter, advising these people to watch out for him because he took our money and that he was taking money from new people to fund jobs he had already been paid for. He served us papers this morning saying we defamed his character with this group and is now asking for over $ 250,000 in damages (from a $ 7,000 restoration job). can we really be sued for comments made on the internet in a forum? We received a letter from his lawyer in January advising that if we did not cease and desist from further damaging his reputation, he would

Attorney Ask It

Do you know what Obama's Plans are for Health care?

Obama's Plan to Cover Uninsured Americans: Obama will make available a new national health plan to all Americans, including the self-employed and small businesses, to buy affordable health coverage that is similar to the plan available to members of Congress. The

Obama plan will have the following features:

Guaranteed eligibility. No American will be turned away from any insurance plan because of illness or pre-existing conditions.

Comprehensive benefits. The benefit package will be similar to that offered through Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP), the plan members of Congress have. The plan will cover all essential medical services, including preventive, maternity and mental health care.

Affordable premiums, co-pays and deductibles.

Subsidies. Individuals

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วันศุกร์ที่ 6 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Can I get into the Ivy League?

The schools I'm aiming for are (not all Ivy League):
1) University of Pennsylvania
2) University of Columbia
3) UC: Berkley
4) New York University

Of course I'll also be sending to HYP (harvard yale princeton) but HYP is of course... HYP lol.
I am Asian, born in Korea, came to Canada when I was 4 years old.

IB student

SAT: 2250
CR: 750
Writing: 780
Math: 720
Unweighted GPA: 3.86

2 AP Classes:
Economics: 4
US History: 5

Math II: 720
US History: 790
Chemistry: 740
Korean: 720
French: 720

Going for IB Diploma

- Nationally ranked debater (27th), late rounds in several of the most competitive tournaments in North America
- Basketball 4 years (1 Final, 2 Semi Final Regional finishes) + (MVP 1 year)
- Concert Band 3 years (2nd place at junior

Attorney Ask It

I am about to enlist in the Air Force and ive been getting the textbook sales pitch for recruitment.?

That's all good and no offence to all the recruiters ive talked to but i don't need that. I know what i want to do i just need to know need to know what i am actually signing up for and how to get/make the most out of my military career. (if that makes sense.)

Some questions i have now are:

Realistically, "ball-parked," i guess since no one can give me an exact dollar amount, what would may base pay look like after taxes if i were Single and an E-1? (paying state, federal, medicare things like that)

When exactly would i get my first pay check? the day i start basic training? after? when i start my job training?

Ball-parked again, does anyone know how long the wait is as of September 2009 for the delayed enlistment program for the active duty Air Force? i saw the Marines wait list

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 5 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

How does communism work in Cuba?

Hi everyone,

I'm just wondering this.

-How does it work?
-Do janitors and doctors make the same salary?
-Are people allowed to leave the country?
-How does their education system work... are there universities?
-Would students alllowed to participate in student-exchange programmes?
-Why would someone study further if they will only make the same salary doing a job you don't need a diploma for?
-Is the population of the country content about living in a communist country?

Sorry for my ignorance... I'm 19, and trying to learn more.

Mainly because in my class at school, some guy (copying michael moore) said that we should try to reform our health care system to be like Cuba's. In my mind I thought: perhaps there are so many doctors there because they aren't allowed to leave?


Attorney Ask It

Is travel agent a good-paying job?

Starting salaries for travel agents are around $ 18,000 to $ 25,000 a year. After they have some experience, agents generally make between $ 30,000 and $ 35,000 a year. Those with many years of experience often earn around $ 45,000 to $ 50,000 a year. Some senior agents—usually those who move into managerial positions or who run their own travel agencies—can earn $ 75,000 a year, or more.

how does it compare to other job salaries, eg. Nurse?

Attorney Ask It

วันพุธที่ 4 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Anaesthesia awareness - why use a paralytic?

According to a 2004 US study, approximately 1-2 in a thousand patients who undergo general anaesthesia in the US (this amounts to 20,000-40,000 people, out of a total of 20 million who undergo GA each year) will experience "anaesthesia awareness"; becoming conscious during surgery, and in 42% of cases feeling the pain of the procedure.

Because a paralytic is administered routinely as a part of GA, patients who experience anaesthesia awareness are unable to notify the surgeons of their pain, and are essentially tortured (albeit accidentally) during the operation.

My question is this - why is a paralytic so necessary that this risk would be taken for it's sake? The only thing I can think of is to suppress reflex movements that could interfere with the procedure, but it seems that

Attorney Ask It

what is the best way to set aside money for my daughter?

i have two older daughters now grown and gone but my youngest isn't even 4 yet. by the time she reaches her age of majority, i'll be pushing 60 - given family medical history, i have to face the fact that there's a good chance i'll cack it before she's old enough to be independent. i want to secure her future but in a way that will keep it from the public eye - i don't want to bust my hump only to have her money nibbled away by taxes and user fees or, worse, outright theft and fraud. i was thinking of investing it somehow and having it locked away to be released only upon reaching the age of 20 or when the trustees agree. i've already set up an RESP but i also want her to have money that's hers - it would be dreadful if she (or her legal guardian) was forced to cash in her RESP

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วันอังคารที่ 3 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Plz read this story and tell me what you think!! :) all comments welcome?

Adrenaline races through my body as the blade neatly slices through my light coffee colored skin, blood rushing to the scene of my committed crime. This hasn’t been the first time I’ve committed this offense, I can’t remember the first time I did it. The only thing I remember is how relaxed it made me feel as I watched my very own blood trickle down my arm, creating a sensation that nobody but us, self injurers would ever understand. After two more cuts, I stop for a moment admiring my artwork or my “real” tattoos as I call them. A few silent moments have now passed and the blood has subsided. I feel so much better now, like a strong release of emotions have been set free my body.
Metaphorically, my body is a prison. Emotions and I are the prisoners trapped within my body,

Attorney Ask It

Will the new immigration laws in the State of Arizona remind you of laws pass against Jews in Nazis Germany?

Arizona treats Mexicans the way Nazi Germany treated Jews?
by Hitler is proud of Arizona Tuesday, Mar. 02, 2010 at 6:03 PM

Bill to criminalize presence of illegal immigrants in Arizona. Your Mexican and in Arizona which means your going to jail!

Bill to criminalize presence of illegal immigrants in Arizona

Over the past several years, immigration hard-liners at the Arizona Legislature persuaded their colleagues to criminalize the presence of illegal border-crossers in the state and ban soft immigration policies in police agencies — only to be thwarted by vetoes from a Democratic governor.

This year, their prospects have improved. A proposal to draw local police deeper into the fight against illegal immigration has momentum, and even opponents expect the new Republican

Attorney Ask It

วันจันทร์ที่ 2 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

How can I get it into my dads head about reconstructive surgery?

Hi all, so in about a month I have to do a deviated septum surgery for my nose. Besides that, my nose is crooked a bit in general and has always been like that. Usually most people that go into deviated septum surgeries and get some reconstructive surgery done at the same time because the surgeon is already cutting cartilage and reconstructing the septum anyways so it is simple to do it at the same time since its essentially the same procedure.

My specialist told me that since my nose is asymmetrical and has grown crooked it will be near impossible to completely straighten it perfectly, but there will be a significant improvement.

My dad thinks that is bollocks, and that it should be possible for it to be 100% straightened. How can I get it into his head that its not possible if my

Attorney Ask It

Am I going to get sued by "Tiffany & Co." just because I was victim of a scam? What do you think?

Hi... so here is the thing... I found this web site online that had an "special offer" it said that I could get a free gift if I posted ads in the kijiji.com classifieds for them. I naively thought it was just an special offer since the web site looks pretty nice and I didn't notice anything suspicious about it. I asked their costumer service and they even gave me the text to write int he ads! well I did post the ads and everything was fine until I checked my e-mail and noticed that someone sent me an e-mail yesterday saying that he would report me for selling fake items!! I explained this person about this offer and then I noticed that i had 4 emails from the "Tiffany & Co." company (apparently the real one) telling me that my ads were being investigated for "Trademark Violation and

Attorney Ask It

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

What is the best degree to prepare for medical school?

so i'm currently in grade 12 and i have to choose my university and programs soon. i have recently decided to become a surgeon, so i will have to do a general degree before applying to med school. i know u can do any sort of degree, but i generally like sciences and would like to know what in particular would be the best degree for me to do? i was looking into: biomedical sciences, biotechnology, biochemistry and cell and molecular biology. or are there any other program choices you could advice for me to think about? i also would like to know where is the best place to study the program. i live in toronto, canada so i would prefer something relatively close to home but i dont mind living in residence either. i was looking into university of toronto, york university and McMaster

Attorney Ask It

Will Conrad Black do time in jail ??I dont think so???????

This lawyer he has will only ask for an appeal as soon as he is
to go to jail , this is only a scam job by his lawyer and his money that will keep him out of prison. This is only the beginning
Dec.11.2007. Please answer what you think

Attorney Ask It

วันเสาร์ที่ 30 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

What action can I do to my ex-husband who doesn't return "my things before marriage" and "our things"?

My ex husband keeps "my things before marriage" and "our things after marriage" and he never returns my things and doesn't want to separate our things for 3years. Divorce hasn't settled yet. He agreed to my list( he returns my things before marriage and some of our things after marriage) through both lawyers in 2007 but it was verbal.
Recently he told his lawyer that he wouldn't return anything to me at all and would give only $ 1000 even "our things after marriage"'a value is more than $ 10,000. Some of my things are mother's crafts and paintings and I want to keep them and she wants me to keep them. She is old and if she dies, they become keepsake(momento) for me. I want him to rerutn things he agreed and share the value of "our things after marriage"( as money). What action can

Attorney Ask It

I am contesting a will.?

My lawyer got a court order on Nov. 2, 2006 to get access to the medical records and lawyers notes of my late aunt. My lawyer tells me that the estate trustee during litigation is the one who gets the records, (Is that true) and states, he has written to them, but I haven't receive a copy of the letter. My lawyer wrote a letter to the lawyer who drafted the will in 2005,on Nov 21, 06 for the notes, but their has been no response from the other lawyer. My lawyer is now in the process of getting a Notice of Examination to get the lawyer's notes. Mediation is suppose to be within 90 days of the court order, which should be at the end of January 2007, but my lawyer hasn't schedule the meeting yet. Is lawyer doing his

Attorney Ask It

วันศุกร์ที่ 29 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Is it too late for me to think about becoming a doctor?

I am almost 19. I graduated highschool last year. High school was a bad time for me, I was emotionally stressed all the time. My grades were.. well... horrible. I only failed one class (in grade 10), but my marks were 60/70 range in grade 11 and 12. My highest mark was a 95, in art. I didn't take any extra science or math classes. Basically, I screwed around and should have focused on school instead of my issues.
I was looking at the Mcmasters website (for those of you who don't know its a medical university). It says I need all these classes from high school, and THATS what they look at.
My dream is become a doctor. Originally, I wanted to be a pediatrician... and was told by a teacher that I might as well give up on that idea.
But my dream to be in the medical field has been sparked

Attorney Ask It

How much money do you make? and how do I compare against the average?

I was just wondering of how the salaries compare, and how much average people are making these days... they say in the US the average american makes something like 45000$ per year in Canada its 38000$ per year... I personally make 70000$ as a chemical analyst, and hope to make 125000 once I become an engineer... but how do against the average

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 28 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Huge family dilemma...Warning! this will be very long!!?

Okay, i have been married for one year this January. Husband has a cat allergy and my whole family has pets. He also has asthma which cats effect. We have problems every holiday because he can't come to any of my family gatherings. It's taken a while, but i have accepted it. I go and see my family and his family. But he just doesn't come with me to mine. It's difficult but necessary. The allergy medication is only a temporary fix and really is not worth it. His parents are really the only close family he has ever had but now they are moving to Victoria, BC, two provinces away from us. Patrick(husband) wants to move with them. His parents are moving to help out with my husbands grandma. She is very sick and going into a home so they are gonna take possession of the house. My whole

Attorney Ask It

How much did your divorce cost you?

I'm only talking about attorney fees here, not how much you lost in the divorce to your ex....
I'm curious, 'cause I always hear about some people needing to give thousands in retainer fees... my divorce and custody agreement cost me 1100$ in total attorney fees... While my ex told me his lawyer gave him a 2000$ bill.. but didn't do much! My attorney filed the divorce, his was supposed to contest but didn't, we drew up the custody agreement after his lawyer had drawn one up but had forgotten more than half of the details... he apparently didn't explain much to him either, etc. So.. How much did your attorney cost you for your

Attorney Ask It

An After Thanksgiving Letter to the People of the USA?

A Message from British Government to citizens of the United States of America?

In light of your failure to elect a competent President of the USA and
thus to govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation
of your independence, effective immediately. Her Sovereign Majesty
Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchical duties over all states,
commonwealths, and territories (excepting Kansas, which she does not
fancy). Your new prime minister, Tony Blair, will appoint a governor for America
without the need for further elections. Congress and the Senate will be
disbanded. A questionnaire may be circulated next year to determine whether
any of you noticed. To aid in the transition to a British
Crown Dependency, the following rules are introduced with

Attorney Ask It

วันพุธที่ 27 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Would You Rather......?

Would you rather...

1) Marry a man who's a doctor and makes great money but is a workaholic. He would not expect you to work. Loves kids. Doesnt drink or smoke and doesnt believe in sex before marriage. You love him but it was the kind of love that developed in time. You were never CRAZY about him he just grew on you and with him being there for you and you being there for him it turned into love.


2) Marry someone who works for a flooring company. Makes a an alright salary but you would definitely have to always work to help pay the bills. Kids are not that important to him and he drinks and smokes alot. He has had alot of sexual partners and is known to get around. You love him more than you have ever thought you could ever love someone. From the moment you saw him you were

Attorney Ask It

วันอังคารที่ 26 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Can I sue a company if I am union member?

I was given evaluation few months back and both me and the union did not agree how it was conducted and the content No examples were given my confidentiality was revealed and the English was terrible. They gave me another evaluation in few months and basically terminated Me even though I and the union never agreed on the first evaluation. I have have had many complains about racism and harassment and the manger has done nothing and has not even rotated me to another unit. Now I am trying to grieve the termination and its at negotiation stages right now with the company. My question is can I sue for career damage the fact I have gone to psychologists many times and doctor has prescribed me anxiety prescription because of the stress from work. Can I sue? and who can I sue and what

Attorney Ask It

How are credit card companies allowed to collect on accounts?

I have an account that was sent to an attorney a couple of years ago and I made a payment agreement with them and have been paying them every month. During the time I have been paying them, the credit card company has still been sending me bills on the account and charging me interest on their web site as well as what I am paying through the Lawyers web site. Now after 2 years, they say they are pulling it and are going to sent it to another company when I have it paid to 800.00 according to the office it is in now and was going to pay off in October, but because of them still charging interest the way they did, they show me owing 1700.00 to send to another company. I can get verification from the law firm/collection of all my payment that show what my amount should be because I

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วันจันทร์ที่ 25 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

How serious is matter of the NOAA thwarting FOIA requests?

We had a recent question here (well several) about the Inspector General report on the NOAA involvement in the Climategate emails. This questioner at Yahoo seems to want the issue to go away: http://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AlScchTImL3dLr1ZcGYvl.zAFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20110224192510AAB0IFD

Well, I suspect Susan Solomon feels the same way. However, Sen. James Inhofe seems to feel quite differently about this: "It also appears that one senior NOAA employee possibly thwarted the release of important federal scientific information for the public to assess and analyze. Her justification for blocking the release was contradicted by two career attorneys in the Office of General Counsel. This is no doubt a serious matter that deserves further investigation. "

Attorney Ask It

I thought decider was a funny thing to here from a sitting president; how about "DICTATOR"?

Sampson also strongly urged bypassing Congress in naming replacements, using a little-known power slipped into the renewal of the USA Patriot Act in March 2006 that allows the attorney general to name interim replacements without Senate confirmation.

you can read more of this on msnbc news: WP: Firings had genesis in White House

It gets more dispicable as the weeks turn into

Attorney Ask It

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Can Somebody Please summarize this article for me PLEASE YOU WILL BE A LIFE SAVER?

you don't have to summarize all, just the ones you want to YOU WILL BE A LIFE SAVER
and how does it related to civic rights and responsibilities and citizens role in sociey

who is affected

how does this issue affect you

what can be learned
what conclusions do you draw

President loses his lawsuit over Sarkozy `voodoo doll'

Oct 30, 2008 04:30 AM
French President Nicolas Sarkozy has lost a court case seeking to halt sales of a novelty voodoo kit, that contained a doll in his likeness, needles and a guidebook.
The court in Paris, in a ruling yesterday, rejected Sarkozy's claims that the doll made by K&B Publishers violated his exclusive right to control the use of his image.
The voodoo doll "falls within the authorized boundaries

Attorney Ask It

i signed a power of attorney granting decisions to be made regarding my health and finances.what do i do now

i was not mentally ill when i signed it but was quite physically ill.since signing the power of attorney i have since been committed to a psychiatric hospital.when i signed the power of attorney it was made irrevocable granting general powers over decisions regarding my health and all other aspects of my life. i don't know why i did that.i am trapped in here and can't get out.i have been told that i need to stay here and am not allowed to leave on my own or sign myself out.the doctors think i am a danger to myself and others and my friend won't let me leave either.i want my life back but i am not able to do anything from here.i want to go home i have been here 8 months and am tired of this place.i am on so much meds its hard to think

Attorney Ask It


Please please don't say do whatever interests you.

I just recently graduated high school and am confused about what major to choose. Right now I have my mind set on majoring in International Business or Informational Technology. I've done an extensive amount of research but am still confused. Both career pathways are extremely competitive, so it's hard to choose between both. International Business is a very broad degree, whereas Information Technology is specific and the country will need 90,000 information technology workers within the next five years, in part to fuel the explosion in wireless and internet businesses. From the research, I've been doing research and International Business is a hot job that makes big bucks. I just don't know........also, information technology

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side show bob, (Terwilliger) TO DEFEND former AG Gonzales in corruption investigation of Justice Department???

Alberto Gonzales hires defense attorney, SIDE SHOW BOB!!!?
By LARA JAKES JORDAN, Associated Press Writer
2 hours, 22 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has hired a high-powered Washington lawyer to represent him in investigations of mismanagement of the Justice Department. George Terwilliger(Simpsons), a white-collar crime defense attorney and the second-ranking Justice official in the early 1990s, was on the White House's short list last month to replace Gonzales.

actually, what started out as a cut and paste, has me wondering if this wasn't the plot for the

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วันอังคารที่ 12 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Troubles waking up, How to make it easier?

(I asked in the health section, but no responses,,maybe you wives, girlfriends, mothers, and fiances out there have some insight)

For the past year and half I've been with my boyfriend, and have become fed up with how heavy a sleeper he is. Well, I'm not fed up, but I'm searching for solutions to making it easier for him to wake up.

He only gets about 4hrs a sleep a night (yes, I know that more sleep will help waking up, but getting more sleep isn't an option)

He works from 6am-1am, working 3 jobs. It's also not an option to drop any of the jobs, or to be searching for a steady 9-5(with unemployment rates around here, and lack of job oppurtunities)

As soon as he lays down, boom...in a deep sleep, heavy snoring, grinding his teeth, a bomb could go off and he'd probably just turn

Attorney Ask It

help me with this urrgent!!?

i don't know what this means i mean im legal and stuff and im 17 but i dont understand what this si asking or telling me!

Have you received conditional certification for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit and Do you have a Federal Form 9062 "Conditional Certification Form" from a State Employment Agency or Job Corp Office? OR Have you received Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits for any month in the last 60 days? OR Were you referred to this position after or while receiving rehabilitation services under a state plan of employment or a program approved through the Department of Veterans Affairs or are you in receipt of a ticket to

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วันจันทร์ที่ 11 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Do you think Australia is racist to Whites?

I think it's ridiculous that the Aboriginal people of Australia are in a whole different category when it comes to parenting payments, unemployment payments, government housing and the list goes on. How can Australia be a fair, equal country when the races are still divided? The system is obviously not working because VERY rarely do you see an Aboriginal in a proffessional career such as a doctor, teacher, lawyer, chemist, nurse ect despite being given the advantages and more oportunties to attend university at a reduced rate just for being Aboriginal. I saw a job in the paper that said only indiginous people can apply. If it had said only white people could apply there would of been an uproar! Do you agree? (Don't say I'm racist because I'm not. I want Australia to be

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How to make AU$2000 fast?

I need 2000 to pay for my student fee and I have about 1 month to do so... I live in Melbourne CBD, so I can't exactly ask people around to mow their lawn, or babysit or having a garage sale... I have trying to find a job but so far I've got no response and time is running out... is there any other way?? it has to be legal

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

cheater wife is playing games?

OK; married 10 years, 2 young kids, wife goes away on business trips with her boy friend and since the first trip she says she does not in love with me anymore. She stayes out late at night/early morning even when the kids are sick, i do about 70% of the kids parenting.
I was upset at first, combing for answers, but she continued to have the affair. So we tried counselling, talking and every time she woudl get exceptionally angry and we she is unable to constructively communicate with me. I go to the school parents nights and the like, get the kids medical attention, haircuts everything, I have even offered that i would get a job that accommodates school hours to provide a supportive structure for our kids .

we currently have her sister visiting from NZ and the wedding ring is

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Got a legal notice from the lawyer of my video store for 11.00 $ outstanding ?

My video store closed shop andn three year later I recieve this notice of payment for 11.00 $ . The letter is from a lawyer representing the video store. The video store in the past has made no attempts to contact or inform of such a outstanding payment. I am not even sure if this is a valid claim. i ignored the notice the first time thinking of it as a scam and then recived a second one for 41 $ two weeks late with 30 $ as admin fee for the lawyer., I do not want to spoil my credt rating on thius isssue but also do not awnt ot get stuck with a scamster. Any suggestions or help would be great

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I accidentally threw a dog at a pregnant woman. Do you think that she will be pressing charges against me?

before you leap to conclusions or anything, I was throwing the dog as part of a party trick, but the pregnant woman walked in front of me, and her face smacked my dog in the face. she seemed pretty pissed and threatened to call her lawyer, but is she actually going to be pressing charges against me? Or will she be suing me? I mean, it's not like she could get that much from me since I don't have a

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I accidentally threw a dog at a pregnant woman. Do you think that she will be pressing charges against me?

before you leap to conclusions or anything, I was throwing the dog as part of a party trick, but the pregnant woman walked in front of me, and her face smacked my dog in the face. she seemed pretty pissed and threatened to call her lawyer, but is she actually going to be pressing charges against me? Or will she be suing me? I mean, it's not like she could get that much from me since I don't have a

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วันศุกร์ที่ 8 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Really need some opinions on this please?

Filing for unemployment in texas?
My husband recently quit his job, he was not being paid for mandatory meetings and there was a law suit filed and settled and so many employees including himself were rewarded a settlement. Next they were informed that many employees information, ss number all personal info was stolen off their computers. Along with being displeased with the company and all what I have written would he be eligible for unemployment or should we even waste their time. many thanks! btw he is struggling to find work, he worked there 3 years, loved his job but was fed up with how unorganized the company was. He didn't quit to be lazy and has never filed for unemployment

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Filing for unemployment in texas?

My husband recently quit his job, he was not being paid for mandatory meetings and there was a law suit filed and settled and so many employees including himself were rewarded a settlement. Next they were informed that many employees information, ss number all personal info was stolen off their computers. Along with being displeased with the company and all what I have written would he be eligible for unemployment or should we even waste their time. many thanks! btw he is struggling to find work, he worked there 3 years, loved his job but was fed up with how unorganized the company was. He didn't quit to be lazy and has never filed for unemployment

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Help with Job Application for a Lawyers/prosecuters office as an office clerk?

Im applying for an office clerk position within a government prosecutors office, i really want this job so i am trying to word everything in my application perfectly!!

They have asked for a 500-1000 word summary explaining why i have the right aptitude, skills and experience for the position. I am at about 400 words so far and i cant think of much more!! I think i need more on why i have the right aptitude for the position.. any tips of examples of what i can write would be great!!!!

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Unpaid Body Corporate Fees?

Hi, I recently purchased an appartment, and shortly after settlement I received an invoice from the body corp, should should amounts owing from settlement date, and also amounts in arrear prior to settlement date. I had paid the amount owing from settlement date and advised body corp that I will not be paying the amounts in arrear as they occured before settlement due to the previous owner. However, they threatened me with legal action if I did not pay the outstanding amount.

Can anyone tell me of my position, because from law you are only responsible for the goods from purchase date, you do not retain past liabilities.


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วันพุธที่ 6 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

hi there, please could you just help me with a few business studies questions?

1. what are the three main ways of rewarding employees?
2. Which methods of payment are least likely yo improve quality on a production line
3. What pay methods are most likely to be given to managers ?
4. What are the most likely perks that a skilled production worker might be given ?
5. Is commission a perk or an incentive?why?
6.What would you expect the salary package to include for this job.....?
its a personnel director required for successful engineering company, north east england, good salary package

the answers don't have to be long and if you know just some answers, any contribution will be helpful, please reply

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When will Obama wake up?

Obama has surrounded himself with the same types of people that are shelling for the special interests on Wall Street. As a result we have seen no regulations from the regulators, no oversite, no accountablity and so on. Obama's GOT TO WAKE UP and get rid of these advisors that are nothing more than yes men & women for Wall Street.

Obama is nothing more than the Banks puppet on string that does their bidding.

Obama has got to wake up and he should be the one dictating to the Banks not the other way round.

Here is a great article I found below.

The metaphor is by now common but completely appropriate: If your house was on fire, would you be drawing plans to remodel the upstairs bathroom? That seems to be what the Obama administration is doing right now.

The country, indeed the

Attorney Ask It

วันอังคารที่ 5 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Australian Law. Is it possible to appeal against a conviction on grounds of ignorance & non-intent?

10 years ago airport customs found a 100g piece of cheese in my briefcase that I had forgotten I had put in there. I was charged under the AQIS act etc. Appeared in court fined and got a conviction. Yes it was ONLY a piece of cheese, but dairy is one of the most prohibited of all foods.

Can I appeal to the court , to have my conviction stricken? How would I go about it ?
My argument is that is hardly a crime, much less of wilful intent. I paid the price and learnt my lesson, it cost me $ 1500 all up in court / legal fees. Why should I have this conviction for the rest of my life.
I cannot afford a lawyer at this stage.
Laughter, thanks I'll explore those

Attorney Ask It

Why do the youth of Australia try to be like the youth of America???

Honestly why do the kids of Australia try and dress like the Americans.
There is a reason why we wear peak hats here is Australia. And that reason is to keep the sun off of our faces. So why do you put the hat on backwards???? And why do guys wear their pants so low on their hips?? I don't want to know what sort of boxers you wear and I have to say it looks disgusting. Honestly do you really think girls like that type of crap. And what is it with people trying to make their peircings in their ears so big. You do realise that the hole will be there forever don't you?? And do you really thing a propective emloyer will take you seroiusly?? First impressions count and when you go for that job as a doctor or lawyer or what ever you want to do when you leave school, Noone will take you

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วันจันทร์ที่ 4 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Sue ex-boyfriend?

My friend (no, really) has a stupid ex-boyfriend that she was able to get a stalking order against. I told her to take him to court for all the money trouble that he left her with, and now I just want to get some public input. She played the game really dumb, so the mess is now REALLY bad..
The messes:
-Ford Expedition repo'd (both their names)
-He took her BMW after Exp was repo'd (both their names)
-Spent her 401k on his legal fees for old stuff
-$ 10,000 in credit card debt (her mom's card, but mom can verify that it was used for them both)
-$ 2000 damages, etc. for the house they were renting (her name)
-Lawyer costs for stalking case
-$ 5000 for rims for the Exp that he magically put in her name (without her knowing)
-Traffic tickets he got while driving the BMW after he took

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Is Kevin Rudd destroying our country?

I mean, it can be argued that John Howard stuffed it up and just handed it over to KRudd to handle, but honestly, take a look at our schooling, our hospital systems, our taxation systems etc etc etc. Now some of you may be thinking hold on, those services aren't federal based, they're state-based, but think about it, the federal government is continually overriding state authority. So, what do you think about the new government? Are they doing a better job than Howard and Costello ever

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

cost of living in riyadh?

Hello All, An Indian engineer in food technology, got offer from some food industry in Riyadh. They are offering him 3000SAR. Can anyone tell me what is the cost of living in riyadh? in a decent place. Alone without family.
Also can someone tell me the average salary of an engineer in food industry in

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I received a 3 days notice to pay rent or vacate....help understanding the terminology?

I live in CA and was trying to end my lease legally-(I have several legal reasons allowing me to) The next day my apt manager came into my apt while I was sleeping and into the bedroom and handed me this.

I received a notice that states the following:
"YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT within three (3) days after service of this notice on you you must pay the amount of rent stated in the notice in full or quit the premises and deliver up possession of the premises to the undersigned, who is authorized to receive possession of the premises, or the undersigned will institute legal proceeding for Unlawful Detainer against you to recover possession of the premises and to recover all rents and damages due, including but not limited to legal fees and costs.


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วันเสาร์ที่ 2 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

Completion of Adelaide Oval now under threat after failed World Cup bid?

With the upgrade of the Adelaide oval well under way. it would seem that the Federal Govt, at any minute now. are more than likely to pull the pin. on the rest of the funding required to complete. the refurbishment at that ground.

I guess the question is that if they do. where is this going to leave the footy public of Adelaide. with the job only being half

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Is it hard to find a job in Australia nowadays?

In America, engineers/doctors/lawyers are working at McDonalds, and it's essentially impossible for anyone with an education to find work.

Is this true for Australia at this time of great

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วันศุกร์ที่ 1 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

For all you Lawyers: Does the Movie The Devil's Advocate inspire you?

I'm not a Lawyer - but this movie definitely gets me motivated to be one! Does it inspire/motivate you to do better at your job/enjoy your

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im 14 years old. what are my legal rights in queensland?

i want a list of laws in qld, or any kind of rights that i have? about parents, where to live, jobs , schooling, fostering , anything relevant to those!! please help me any websites or any of you people lawyer that want to help

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Anyone a Computer Engineer?

Anyone a computer engineer? If so what company do you work for? Do you like it? Are the salaries good?

I'm majoring in Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech but I don't have any internship experience and I'm only a sophmore, any advice? Do you use a lot of your course work on your job? Any general advice? What is a day of work like? So many

Attorney Ask It

Why no incentive for us?

Dear Mr. Howard,

I work hard and pay my taxes, so does my wife. We have no children (not by choice) so no child support benifit to us.

We don't have a mortgage so no tax break there.

We pay for private health care $ 320 per month and all we get back there is 30% rebate paid after July 1 and we also pay for medicare with is 1% of our salaries, - we don't go to a bulk billing practice so we are $ 35 out of pocket for each doctors visit.

I do have to buy over $ 200 worth of medicine per month to keep alive, so I have to spend over $ 1000 to start getting cheaper PBS medicines, so I'm still paying for medicines,
so I don't become a burden on society.

We are what most people are Middle class, not rich but OK -

What incentive is there for us to vote for your party

Attorney Ask It

วันพุธที่ 30 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Australian Federal Police and State Police please read my question and help....?

i am either wanting to be a Victorian (STATE) police officer..

or a AFP Federal Agent...

What one has better pay.

Does AFP have better trainning..

Is it a good job..

How do you become a

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Is success genetic, or learned?

I often find myself wondering why some people can be so talented, or create success so easily, while others always have to struggle for their aspirations. Specifically, I refer to academics, though I suspect this argument can be applied to a variety of situations. For example, I did not go to university after high school, and nowadays earn a modest salary in a middle management position in the retail sector. However, a girl that I graduated high school with is now a resident in an emergency ward, for a large, metropolitan hospital. We were friends in school, and whenever I see her now (as sporadic as that may be), I can't help but think how similar we are. We share the same opinions, sense of humour, and personal interests. So what was it that made this girl, or anyone for that

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วันจันทร์ที่ 28 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

I want to start a Non Profit Social Group in Australia. Are there any rules or guidelines to follow?

I just want to make sure we can't get in any sort of legal trouble. Any money made with membership fees or from events will be put back into the group.
Any assistance and hints would be greatly appreciated.
I already have the concept for the group / club. I just want guidance as to the legal side of things when starting a Social

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Looking at changing jobs but don't know?

I currently work in sales am very happy with my job but i'm starting to get an itch to try something else. I have a husband and a daughter my husband works and also loves his job. What I really want to do though is change to law. I want to be a lawyers assistant. A change of pace. The thing that is stopping me is that I have no legal qualifications I am willing to study at my own expense though if given a chance but I'm also twenty seven nearly twenty eight. I think age may have a big part in it too HELP

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

is this legal and fair? I haven't heard of it before?

I've had a loan with my bank for 10 years and HURRAY am about to pay it off, I just threw all my money at it and am paying it off three years earlier than expected but they want to charge me a discharge fee and an admin fee...is this legal?? I am in NSW

Attorney Ask It

which of the following profession offers good salary?

Hello good people out there.I want to know which of the follwing offers good salary and good chances of getting a job easily after graduation.

MSc. Renewable Energy Management
MSc. Management and Technology of Water and Waste Water Treatment.(Process

Attorney Ask It

วันเสาร์ที่ 26 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Why do people dislike lawyers?

Recently I've been thinking about becoming an attorney-the world of law fascinates me very much-but upon telling my family, I received a generally distasteful response. Apparently lawyers have a very bad reputation-but I don't understand why.

To me, both defense attorneys and prosecutors seem like heroes. After all, it's up to them to make sure that justice is served and that everyone gets a fair trial. I don't see anything bad about that...

Sorry if I sound rude. I just don't understand why it's such a hated

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Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

I have 4 wisdom teeth that are impacted under my jaw. My oral surgeon will not pull all 4 of them at once. I am going in Tuesday to have the top 2 removed. I have never been put under and am highly scared and nervous. I am afraid that I will not wake up from it. I do not fully understand the difference between twilight and general and which one to choose. Can someone maybe give me some

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วันศุกร์ที่ 25 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Salary in Private hospitals vs Public hospitals?

do doctors earn more when working in private hospitals than in public hospitals? if so how much more?
i live in australia so specific details about australia would be

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